ABOUT US Race Computer Technical Institute has been registered under the Society Act 21, 1860. (Reg No. BLR/03703/2018-19). It is working for every class of society. Our institute provides guidance in different field of program and professional training conducted by state government as well as central government to approach every class of the society. Our mission is also registered with the industrial departments to conduct the various technical programs under the government scheme.
The fundamental function of the organization is to provide higher technical education to weaker class of society at minimum course fee for urban as well as rural areas the vast motto of our institute is to respond technical knowledge all over to India to gain success in computer education which is the dream of Indian Government and get success in computer revolution which is the main dream of Indian Government.
Race Computer Technical Institute is a leading computer educational network of Uttar Pradesh.
Founder and Director Mr. Nizamuddin (Nizam) 9044991926